How to limit what size games you can make on a platform

I’ve decided to start work on my MoreGDT mod again (I haven’t touched the thing in months.)

I was wondering if it’s possible to limit what size games you can make on a certain platform (I swear it’s done in game, but I haven’t played that in months either).

If so, how?

this is actually hard-coded in the game via the method Platforms.doesPlatformSupportGameSize. If you want to restrict your own platform you can hijack the method. Something like this:

var originalMethod = Platforms.doesPlatformSupportGameSize;
var myMethod = function(platform, size){
	if (!originalMethod(platform, size))
		return false;
	if ( == 'myPlatformId'){
		if (size != 'small' && size != 'medium')
			return false;
	return true;

Platforms.doesPlatformSupportGameSize = myMethod;