How to download on ARM Chromebook that uses Ubuntu Linux with Crouton

There are so many different linux downloads. How do I know which one to click on? And is ARM supported? I have a Samsung Chromebook Series 3. I got linux on it.

ARM is currently only supported under Windows 8 RT through the Windows Store, however I suspect it would not be difficult to port (assuming an ARM port of Node-Webkit is readily available).

As @EvoGamer said ARM is only supported for the Windows 8 Store version. I doubt that we will be able to provide a native version for ARM any time soon.

Maybe you can try the .tar.gz becaus you probably have ChromeOS installed, I think (.deb is for debian based Systems and .rpm for Red Hat based systems)
You have to unpack the main package and then unpack the i386 Version and launch gamedevtycoon. Maybe you have to do it via the Terminal. This should work I think.
If it doesn’t work, try the x64 Version and if this doesn’t help I don’t know.

u might want to try to unpack the game(nw_*****) and try to load it in chrome/chromium…worked on win64/linux64.
(both use the same html engine as GDT(webkit))

ARM is not supported (unless you use the Windows Store version). You can’t just install Game Dev Tycoon on a ARM based Linux machine.