How to change the game resolution?

No meu segundo computador o jogo não roda bem em um monitor de 24" 1920x1080 por que o jogo força essa resolução, há alguma forma de reduzi-la?

On my second computer and the game does not run on a 24 "1920x1080 monitor for the game force this resolution, is there any way to reduce it?

Why is the topic in english and the post in
something, lol

I belive you can’t really change it… you can run it in windowed mode though.

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no hablo espanol
(maybe he can understand my slim understanding of spanish)
hablo ingles?

I am pretty sure the game plays in whatever is your native resolution and that that can’t be changed in the menu files.

Would changing the resultion throught the OS work?
Or does it only and only use the highest resolution for your monitor

why would you do that ghg, seriously

It would. But it would make the PC and therefore the game look really bad,