How hard is it to get a perfect rating?

I want to know how hard it is to get a perfect 10 score. I’ve gotten at least 10 9.75 ratings but I’ve never gotten a 10.

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It can be difficult… I think the easiest timing that you can get a perfect score is either during Medium or Large games. When it comes to AAA games, you need at least 1 specialists, a new engine and have the game be a sequel to one that you made a long while ago.
That’s my strategy anyways…

It’s really easy. You just have to install a mod called ‘CheatMod’.


Use Boost and Specialists. Always make sure you are using the right genre/topic combo, etc. Perfect 10’s and 11/10 can be pretty hard to get otherwise.

If you where Jeremy clarkson and I was Richard Hammond, and you said the title, I will close my browser and get angry

I like the reference but I don’t understand the comment…

Blame All Games.