How do you make AAA games in GDT?

I have seen screenshots of people with AAA status, I make games with 8.0+ most of the time (80% of the time) us that good enough for AAA?

AAA isn’t a quality, it’s a size. You have to research “AAA Games” and then select that rather than large.

AAA Games aren’t quality… It’s size. You make small games, medium games, large games, but now you have Triple A games…

You need to have an R&D lab to research AAA Games.

AAA Status? No no no. AAA SIZE. You need an R&D Lab to research AAA games, a size of game.

Is there an echo in here? :smile:


Lol, I was thinking that too Charlie :stuck_out_tongue:

Yupp! @Charlie


No charlie i think this is not a valley. :wink: