Help need help with UME

Today i tried making mod featuring topics and consoles i get error:
Uncaught Error. Please report this to Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘getRelativePath’ (file:///D:/Game%Dev%20Tycoon/mods/Marius/main.js18) Please Restart game.
My main js
// ******************************************************************************************
// Mod Name: Marius
// Mod Id: Marius_Marius
// Mod Version: 0.0.1
// Mod File: main.js
// ******************************************************************************************
// Author: Marius
// Last modified: 6/7/2015 9:58 PM
// ******************************************************************************************
// Notes: This file is defined in package.json and loaded as the first file from GDT
// ******************************************************************************************

// Setup a global mod object
var Marius_Marius = { modPath: ‘’, data: {} };

// Acquire relative path to the mod
Marius_Marius.modPath = GDT.getRelativePath();

// Callback executed after succesful load
var ready = function () {

// Callack executed if error(s) occured during load
var error = function () {

// Load relevant files
GDT.loadJs([‘main/code_before.js’, ‘main/code.js’, ‘main/code_after.js’], ready, error);


UME is outdated, and many strongly recommend against using it.
I recommend learning JavaScript or at most use UltimateLib.

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