When I’m just about to click the Finish Game button and release the game to the public, my team makes another Bugs Point! Seemingly this makes it to where I must release the game with 1 stored Bugs Point (which is bad right?) or I trash it! I’m pretty sure that this game was going to be perfect otherwise!
This has happened to me several times before, and i’m just wondering if there’s anything that can be done. Also, I think that it would be smart for Greenheart Games to add an “Are You Sure?” window that pops up if you try to finish a game that still has Bugs Points.
All right, It has been about a week now and I thought that I should have been done with this issue long ago, but this issue really hasn’t been resolved… I thought that @Darkly’s suggestion would solve the issue, but I was wrong. I’m still having this issue and I think that it is beginning to have a serious impact on some of my victim games! I originally made this post in the ideas section for a reason. I seriously think that Greenheart Games should add a pop-up window that pauses the game and asks you if you’re sure that you want to release the game, even though it has bugs in it.
Even if @Darkly’s idea worked consistently, it would still be an annoying solution to a problem that I think can easily be solved! If you agree, lets try and get something done about it in Greenheart’s next update or patch… or however that works.
If you disagree, and have an actually good reason not to agree, please post a comment putting me in my place or giving us a better suggestion.
Not everything in a game is designed to be efficient. Games are not like apps. Imagine if everything that could be detrimental to your game had a popup: Are you sure you only want to spend 10% of your focus on story for this adventure game?
I get what you are saying but this is simply by design to add a little more tension and challenge. If you are after a hint to prevent releasing games with bugs then I’d suggest you click the Release button and hold it until the bug counter hits zero, then release the button.
I don’t know if any other mods do this, but I made one that shows a confirmation dialog when you click the button while you still have bugs in your game for you. @PatrickKlug has a point, though, but since you really want a popup… here you go
Alright, looking back on this after a day, I can see that demanding Greenheart Games to personally read my post and fix my issue was pretty extreme. I’m sorry if my over-reaction has offended anybody, I’m actually pretty embarrassed, In the future I’ll wait at least an hour before ranting to an online forum.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I hope that if anybody reads this, they walk away with some good advice.