Help me get this game back?

Bought this game about 4-5 years ago, and didn’t think twice about deleting the email for the download (either that or its done some kinda expiry thing in my inbox)… Anyway, I played it a bit but always struggled midgame and kinda ragequit…

So the problem is, I can’t remember which exact email I purchased the game with (I do know all the emails I use though) So hopefully an admin can help me in some way to recover the game again?

I know the game moved over to steam/windows store, I just don’t know how i’d go about getting it back, and would prefer to just have a standalone install because I don’t like using steam, and I 100% refuse to use the windows store.

Thanks in advance for any help, and I will provide as many details as possible.

Send us an email to with a list of potential email addresses you might have used and we can definitely resend you the download link.

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