Has a Russian KSP Gift to giveaway

Yep, I bought it, but I can’t do anything with it, because it’s locked to RU/CIS only.
Here is the link to the giveaway on steamgifts: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/zF3Qw/kerbal-space-program

you have to do that like a pro.
привет комраде, аре зоу руссиан?

Is that russian or is it serbian?
I know that

means you russian

and no, I am not an ape, комраде
all the serbian guys from GTA SA and IV were comrades, so maybe that is what комраде means :stuck_out_tongue:

омг зоу нооб
зоу аре нот про руссиан персон лике ме

Я использую Google Translate…

That’s what you get for buying from Grey market sellers. :wink:

I knew that it was russian, I bought it because it was way cheaper. I wanted to use VPN, but Gaben fixed Steam :cry:

so what
my polish is butter than yours


so what
my serbian is butter than yours


so what
my Google Translate is butter then yours
