Happy Holidays Everyone

Happy Holidays everyone :christmas_tree: :smile:


Lets hope a christmas mod gets delievered for game dev tycoon


Merry Hang-Things-On-a-Tree-Day!

I still don’t get why you hang things on a tree.

When I first saw this thread I thought it was the 2015 recap.

those things are ornaments

I think he’s aware, but k

and merry new year!

GG mate you don’t understand sarcasm.

Merry kristmass und heppy nuw yer :laughing:

But seriously, good luck :wink:

well maybe someone doesn’t know how those things are named and if they are religious they will hang themselves.

…? I literally have no idea what you are talking about.

well duh I unexplain the explainable

Guys, I can’t load the Steam Store because all these kids shop for the Steam Winter Sale

I can imgaine CoD servers after holidays…

uhhhhh, you realize you’re a kid, right…?

I was joking, but it’s still pretty annoying. I want my Democracy 3!!! xD