Global Highscores and replay the Game

Hello, my name is Stefan I’am from Germany. First I want to say that I’am totally addicted to the game and gameplay (fed up by browser games with similar theme) and the second is an apologize in advance for my bad english expression.

I’ve just finished the Game twice since the release on Steam with ~24h played in two days and I’m slightly frustrated that there are no Global Highscores for competition. I Think that would raise the motivation for replaying the Game.

kind regards

I’ve noticed that the game constantly expanded, so that would be a problem with the Highscores and different Settings caused by recently modifikations. A Ladder System can be nice to avoid that circumstance and you could periodicly bring up an expansion with a Ladder reset.

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I really want global highscores and probably something where you can upload your progression. :slight_smile:

The stats would be similar to any global high-score stats. You have scores of 9999999999999 on the top area and normal scores below em. Since its not to hard to modify the game saves the high-scores would easily be tampered by anyone.

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Jlamanna83 is correct. For us to have a global scoreboard we would also need strong DRM and a strict anti cheat system.