Getting player decision on "Security" event?

I’m trying to have kind of “dynamic” events. But I can not figure out how to get the players decision on the “Boss, I have a knack for security” event or whatever.

I simply want to check if the event has triggered and then get the decision integer. Any GDT.getDataStore() stuff on that one? Or some kind of event ‘bank’? I would love to create one privately if needed :stuck_out_tongue:

for this specific event the decision made isn’t stored anywhere because the reaction is immediate but you can simply hijack the complete method… something like this:

var securityEventCompleteHandler = DecisionNotifications.securityUpgrade.complete;
var myHandler = function(decision){
	securityEventCompleteHander(decision);//call original
	//do something with the decision
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Thank you! I’ll try to make a simple ‘library’ for this, instead of having it in all of my mods! :slight_smile: