Get Windows 10 not showing up? Here's the fix

Fix Windows 10 upgrade
#Dont thank me, thank them.

Get Windows 10 is not showing maybe because Windows Update was disabled…

Very necessary to make this topic on this forum.
Like we couldn’t google it…

So true.


+You have it now ;D
+You don’t have to google it ;D

Half-Pro’s, Half Con’s:

You are right :wink:


-idk lol

I had it all the time.

Really? Weird, why do you react on this like: Very necessary to make this topic on this forum.
Like we couldn’t google it…; So i tought you didn’t had it at all XD :wink:

@Today Actually, it’s fully possible that isn’t the case. I had both necessary updates installed and this helped. try being not so naive.

@kingofblox360 thanks for sharing this

No probs.