You guys should add a way to port older games to other systems. It would be nice considering how odd it is to have a sequel to a game on a new system but the original cannot be released on it.
It just feels sad i have hundreds of games under my belt and you cannot do a thing with them after they are off the market.
Well my answer is not an exact answer but works for me why not just role play reboot games i mean i would love a mechanic like rebooting original games until then i guess i will just do that.
yeah but it would still be nice to see them add this, i mean it feels dumb for all those already made games to simply sit and it makes sense to be able to do re-releases, look at all the old pc games that end up on the ipad these days, look at all the old dos era games that get remade and put on steam,
i mean when ive made 250 games, there should come a point where my game catalog can be used to its advantage.
Also MMOs need balancing, they are worthless, all they are good for is sucking away your time/money. They only stay popular for a month or so, i dont even get time to make other games, i usually have to start on a new exp pack (which for all that money only drives up popularity for a few weeks again)
Bump for the win.
Another thing being, why is it sequels dont happen till several years in
(multi platform shows up so late i almost never use it, they had multiplatform games back in the 80s…why would it wait until the vena’s death to allow us to do such a thing?)