GDT Mobile? Out of the loop, help

I read on the blog a while back that there’s a GDT mobile app coming out and there was a sneak pic picture, blah blah blah. I kept looking on the forum for an update and I can’t seem to find one. I look on the iOS store, nothing. I just looked at the blog and the post of GDT Mobile isn’t there anymore. I’ve been out of the loop for a while, what’s going on?

@Pruff60 April fools joke…


Thats so evil. ;(

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@Pruff60 but so where the micropurchases, witch where included in the joke


replace the witch to which. :wink:


I saw all the bad things, and I still didn’t know that It was a joke, because every game has something like this…
So yeah.
I still wouldn’t play it :stuck_out_tongue: