(Sorry if these ideas are already in the game.)
Below are some ideas I can up with that could be placed in the game.
-Multi-platforming, so simply you can have a game that will come out for PC, PS4, Mbox Next, Custom Console, etc. My idea is that you can release a game for 6 consoles.
-Multi-topic, a game could be like, Military, and Sci-fi
-Genre: Shooter
-Game engine sequels, so instead of just making a new engine and putting 2.0, you can just make a sequel
-More custom console designs (not so serious but just a suggestiong)
-Game pre-order, so when a fan or someone pre-orders your game they get a “special edition” with their game. Could also boost up hype.
-Game dlc’s Example: A gun game with a dlc for more guns or new map
-Game engine feature: 1st person, 3rd person, or 1st person and 3rd person.
-Certain games that will continuously sell but is not an MMO
-A random event where one of your employees find out that some people are selling a copy of a game you created on ebay (but a different name) and you get a choice to stop them or leave them. Stopping will make you lose fans
-Topic: Assassins, Hunting, Classic (mario, etc)