Game Speed and End Game

Just a quickie…adding 2-3 different speeds for passing time. I find sometimes events happen at a quick pace and i barely get a chance to put out games for all the systems.


Give us an option to extend the end game past 35-36 years…even if the scoring is done differently somehow I really enjoy the “end game” content you can put out when you start getting into your own consoles, MMO’s, AAA’s etc. As long as you can continue to train your employees then you should still be able to keep putting out high quality games even if you’ve researched and implemented all the options for your engine.

Easiest way for this to happen: Make the score you beat the last score you got before endgame, or a static score. this way you don’t get 1/10 scores for not beating your maxxed out AAA RPG MMO.

Create a new game.
Click on the gear icon and change game length to 42 years.


Yeah, there are game speeds in the startup option - I always play on the longest setting.

Oh sweet! Looks like I’ll have to get another game started! Thanks for the heads up :smile:

How does changing the game speed affect scoring at the end of the game?

Its not exactly changing the game “Speed” its changing the game “Length”.
This makes the score non comparable between different game lengths.

Well, it stretches out all the platform releases, I thought. It doesn’t make game development take longer or anything.