Game Idea around Gladiator Empire

I’m a huge tycoon/empire gaming fan, and I have for some time now been looking for a real gladiator tycoon/empire game.
So far I’ve found non what so ever, so I have made myself a game idea for this!
I don’t know if anyone has a similar idea or anything, but this is my idea as detailed as possible.

Gladiator Empire:

You start out with a small ludus that has one weak slave, a bad training ground, 2 wooden swords, 2 wooden shields, a slaves house with room for 2, a main house for “you” and a small weapon shed.
Start capital: (easy) 10k gold coins. (normal) 5k gold coins, (hard) 2,5k gold coins

You also have a map what gives you a few options only to start: Market, arena, slave trading at the docs and a place to find rumors.

Market: Here you can buy new weapons, new gears (such as shields, body armor, boots, helmets and gloves) and repair for old gear.

Arena: As game progress you will unlock bigger arenas to visit but to start with you can have your slave fight in just a small arena. The fights are simulated based on the slaves strength/agility/speed/cleverness/specialty/durability.
Fight types you can be offered to take part off is 1v1 1v2 2v2 1v1v1. Every week you will have an fight offer for your slave.

Slave trade: To start with you will be bale to buy 3 different weak slaves with low potential for around 1k gold coins. Later as your reputation goes up you will be able to buy stronger slaves with more potential. You can also buy trainers based on your reputation which gives different variables and boosts to your training field.
You can sell current slaves for a the amount you wish for them (but the other ludus’es are only interesting in paying so much so one should not ask to much).
Every now and then there be an auction on a few slaves, these slaves have already some training and have their specialty and stats hidden unless you have used the rumor place to buy tips on upcoming auctions.
The A.I will be bidding random, sometimes over price sometimes under price.

Rumor place: You can buy tips and rumors about slaves, free rumors about slaves (not always accurate or true), find out what slaves currently fighting that are best (a top 20) same with best ludus (top 20) and you can find rumors about best trainers for your slaves.

In your current ludus you can upgrade everything twice for gold coins.

Your house, you have house slaves that you pay nothing but the food they get and a guest bed of poor quality to sleep on.

Training ground: Here you can train your slave to become better in strength, agility, speed, durability and weapon use.

Weapon shed: Here you have the weapons of your slaves to use. Level 1 shed has the ability to contain only 10 items together. Everything a slave can use will be stored here.

Slave house: Here your slave eat, sleep, and whatever. Level 1 slave house has room for 2.

Info screen on slaves contains: Their names, origin, mood, age, former owners, reputation, past fights and stats in strength/agility/speed/durability/specialty.

The title/start screen:
New game
Load game
Resume last game
Create a slave (?)

New game: to start the game you will fill in, name, ludus name, ludus logo and difficulty.

The others are kinda self explained yeah?

Anyway this concludes my idea about this kinda game, there is a lot that need to be added ofc, but yeah this is what I got.
Would be so awesome if Greenheart could work with this idea and make it real :smiley:

Thank you for reading


Sword and Sandals is a fun gladiator game. There are 5 games in the series. The game is playable in the browser. fits your description more.


Nice takker :wink: Skal sjekke det ut

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It’s always a pleasure to help people ;).

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I just looked it up.
Swords and sandals is an adventure/fighting arcade game, not an tycoon/empire game.

So it’s not really what I been looking for :confused:

What about Gladiatus? A textbased masterpiece :wink:

It fits your description even more.

Have you seen Spartacus?

Tycoon is more or less what Quintus was doing, he did run the ludus, he was spartacus “owner”.
That kinda thing im looking for, I don’t wanna play as spartacus and do the fighting :stuck_out_tongue:
I wanna “be” Quintus and run my own ludus, buy slaves/gladiatores, train them, gain reputation, have my slave/gladiator be part of fights and earn coins.

You catch my drift?

Now i understand, but i’ve not seen Spartacus :P. Sounds like a good idea.

Alright now you get my idea, awesome :smile:

But yeah, really go see spartacus series, they are amazing!

This might not be what you’re looking for, but it seems to fit your description for the most part. Look up “Sands of the Colosseum”

It seemd ok, but not what I would like to play really :stuck_out_tongue:

I think i’ve found what you’re looking for.

Yeah seen those b4, it is close but yet far far away :stuck_out_tongue:

Is anyone still on this thread? I am exactly like you mate lol I loved Spartacus and searched desperately for a game you just described, people always give you spartan games and we are like NO! I want to OWN the ludus and have them entered and watch them fight depending on how skilled/injured/liked they are! Did you find anything at all???

Exactly Dylan xD sadly I still have not found anything around this :confused:

Spartacus Legends (x360) has something kind of like this.

Also, @Dylan9393, pls dont necro

Yeah where you control a gladiator, I wanna manage a ludus :slight_smile:

Necroing is fine, as long as it’s on topic :slight_smile:

Necroing? Heck does that mean? o_O

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