Game Dev Tycoon on Ubuntu 13:04 64-bit

I have returned to GDT after a hiatus and noticed that the Steam version has a bit of problem with 64-bit Ubuntu 13.04 Saucy. The problem is that Game Dev Tycoon targets a 32-bit distro for wider compatibility. Unfortunately, this creates a bit of issue with 64-bit distros.

For this game to run, you need libgtk2.0-0:i386 and libnss3:i386 to be installed. This can be fixed by running the following commands to install the required 32-bit (i386) libraries:
$ sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libnss3:i386

Additionally, Ubuntu does not ship with the file . This is tougher to fix, since it requires a two step process.

Firstly, you need to have the 32-bit version of libudev1
$ sudo apt-get install libudev1:i386

Now, the second step is trickier. You need to create a symlink from to First, change into the directory with the 32-bit libraries. This can be done with the command
$ cd /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Now, create the symlink
$ sudo ln -s

With any luck, GDT will now run. Otherwise, you may need to hunt down additional libraries.

Good luck!

Edit: I just found out that even with all those fixes, the game may still not start in Steam. In that case, you can use a terminal to go into the game directory and run, the game will then start.

Thanks for the feedback :smile: