We have just updated our website and unlocked our official Store. Now,
you can get Game Dev Tycoon for Windows, Mac (OS 10.7+) and Linux
directly from our website. We decided to keep the price of the game
the same low price as the Windows Store version: just 7.99USD (or
similar in your currency).With your purchase you get the game for all three platforms and you
can install the game on up to 3 of your computers for personal use.
The game is also DRM free so there is no hassle in installing and
running the game.We also aim to provide Steam keys to existing customers when and if
the game gets on to Steam. If you would like to see a Steam version
you can cast your vote here.A dozen players tested the Store and the different versions and it all
seems to work well but if you do find any issues please let us know at
support@greenheartgames.comPatrick Klug
- Greenheart Games
Sweet. It looks like it’ll be fun.
Amazing news! =D
Just made a purchase ^^
I already bought the game for Windows 8 - can I download the Win7/Mac/Linux Version now?
Alright Purchasing now. I tried the emo. A great first game for a company!
After finding about this game months ago and seeing it was for Windows 8, I was like when this is out on Windows 7 I’m going to buy it straight away, so what did I do today?! Bought it. Hell yeahz
What Mac OS version are you using? The game requires Mac OS 10.7+
“With your purchase you get the game for all three platforms and you can install the game on up to 3 of your computers for personal use. The game is also DRM free so there is no hassle in installing and running the game.”
So we can only install it on 3 computers? How is that DRM free?
Is it only a legal limit, but not technically enforced?
Or does the game require logging into an online account and check for the number of computers linked to one account that way?
Does it install and play offline?
Not that I need to install on more than 3 computers, but I would like some clarification on this, before telling other people that it is DRM free…
P.S.: Also please make a GNU/Linux demo available soon.
It’s really a smart way to educate the players who are used to play pirated games.
But what about cloning other people’s games? Should the developers be punished too? I am a big fan of Game Dev Story (by Kairosoft), I read through the greenheartgames website and there is no mention about Kairosoft like giving them credits or saying this game is inspired by Game Dev Story or even replacing the word “Story” with “Tycoon”… isn’t it ironic?
Of course, you may say your game is different or much better but it’s hard to explain that why you are not giving them any credit.
@bereal99 please read our About page. We always said that we were inspired by GDS. Also, read this early interview:
Games inspire developers. You look at all the games developed in the RTS, RPG, Action RPG, Racing, etc, genres. Gameplay is very similar in the same genre of games. You do not see Need for Speed giving credit to Midnight Club, or Fifa Manager to Football Manager, or Skyrim to Witcher 2, or Tourchlight 2 to Diablo, or Starcraft to Command & Conquer, I could go on for another hour. As far as I’m concerned GDTycoon is very different from GDStory. Keep up the good work GreenHeartGames!
I’m using 10.8.3 but it’s Retina, which is probably why it looks like that. I also had the full version on my Windows 8 but I have to pay again for the Mac version
What you mean you have to pay again for the mac version? I bought the game and had the downloads for both the windows and mac version. I started to play it on mac, works great, I’ll try the windows version once I’m back at my country on my desktop.
On Windows 8 there are two different versions: The Windows Store version (distributed by Microsoft) and the native version (distributed from our website/fastspring). One version doesn’t give you access to the other one.
However, when we come to Steam we will aim to give steam keys to both Windows Store and native customers.
The retina resolution on my Macbook is why its small like that.
And when it’s on Steam how will I get the key?