Game Dev Tycoon Combinator

I made a simple Combinator in Excel which lets you choose your topic, genres and platform and then gives you all necessary information on how to make the best build.

Download the file here:

See the Game Dev Tycoon Wiki for additional information:

Didn’t invest much time, but if you follow it you should always get scores between 6-10!
Ideas and updates are welcome :blush:

17.05.13 - Updated to Version 0.3 (Minor changes and interface updates)


That looks nice, and very helpfull :).

How does this actually work?
Does a + mean put the bar to full, a - mean put it to empty and a ~ mean halfway?
I’ve been doing that but my scores are still coming out 2-5 and everytime I get to the first office out of the garage I just hemmorhage money. And no, no pirates :wink:

On the wiki, which is what I assume this is based off of by such similarity, the +'s mean that if the bar is more than 40%, then it’s good. -'s mean they need to be lower by 40%. ~'s mean any%. Again, assuming this is based off of the wiki.

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I have to put some more information into the excel, but as help you can use the Wiki:

The “-/+/~” in the Stages stand for the following bar settings:
(+) = Over 40% time, (~) = Neutral, any% time, (-) = Under 20% time.

Put that information into the excel file, download version 0.3 :slight_smile:

Hey good job! I look forward to the development on this project!

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