Game Dev Tycoon at 10 FPS?

i bought today the Game but i think it is at 10 FPS i don’t have a good PC,
My System Info:
Windows XP SP3
2 GB Ram DDR1
Geforce FX 5200 128MB VRAM
AMD Athlon XP 2400+ 2,00 GHz

its not a problem but its still annoying to play the game with 10 FPS :confused:
The Funny Thing is when i Left Click to develop a Game it seems like 60 FPS

Hey, yes DDR1 Ram and nvidia 5200 with 128mb of vram is well below what we would expect people to be able to use.
You get 60fps on menus as standard in all games.

How far into the game are you?

The game’s a little laggy for me too on my system, but that’s totally down to my outdated system. But it’s pretty bearable until you get past the story and start having to slide across the screens, then the lagg can get worse, but I suppose that’s all dependant on us I suppose.

Still a great game :smiley:

for me the game doesn’t lag at all when i get to a very high year (the highest i’ve been is 500 years), recommend just lowing your display setting if you have lag issues or upgrade your computers Graphics Card

My computer specs

OS Windows 7 64bit
AMD Athlon II X2 270 Processor 3.4GHz
ATI Radeon HD 4350

Yeah, I definitely need to improve my computer altogether… I mean it screams at me, literally!

Hopefully if my place at University to study Computer Science I’ll finally be able to afford a new and amazing system :slight_smile:

yeah for now you could just simply lower your screen resolution either to the lowest or to the second lowest it can go for your Graphics Card will allow it to go while you play the game, cause i have to do it when i wanna play tomb raider on my computer at full settings (yes i know different game lol) My motherboard and CPU and RAM only cost me £90 for everything in a bundle from amazon just go on there and look if you considering getting new computer may aswell just upgrade the stuff you’ve got instead of spending lots on a new computer all together

somehow, the game goes down to 10 or 30 fps, despite the fact I have a ASUS Gaming Laptop built to play games like Battlefield 3, Borderlands, Skyrim, and Team Fortress 2.

the upcoming update should improve this on modern systems. sorry for the delay but this is all down to the underlying technology (node-webkit) and not so much our game itself.

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Hi im in the 1st Year, i will test if it will better when i start it with 800x600…
tested it now but it is the same :confused: will it better in the august update? hmm than i must just wait or it gives a version for older pcs ^^

The performance patch coming soon will only help modern machines i’m afraid. Also you may find your lag will worsen the closer you get to end game.

I have a Macbook Pro and the game runs OKISH. however when I get to loads of staff developing a game the Orbs LAG the hell out of me.

I have standard Macbook Pro 13" 2011 specs.

2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
4GB 13333 MHz DDR3
Inetl HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
OS X 10.8.3

Please fix the awful lag when there so many orbs!

Why does that happen?

Its common in many games that either your machine could barely run in the first place or in games like Skyrim which are modified by users to be better but also cost more performance.

Using skyrim as an example, there are limitless quests, however once you have completed a couple of hundred your fps will drop due to the amounts of scripts that have been started, memory usage and the save game size.
This won’t be noticeable at all for people who play an unmodded game on a modern pc. For those who only had 30-40 fps to start with they will notice, for those who mod their games heavily to the point they drop down to 30-40 fps they will also notice.

With Game Dev Tycoon, we do accept some optimization was needed to help towards end game however for those who started with under 30 fps we cannot promise they will see a boost.

So what your saying is that because we are playing a lot more after the endgame, making tons of games, etc., that means the file gets too big and causes severe lag?

If i’m correct then this could be fixed by compressing the save files…

No thats not what i said. Your talking about Save game bloat, which is a minor consideration.