Game Descriptions

I think that in pre-production phase, a modal should come up in which you type the game’s description. Also, being a part of this mod, there should be a more detailed review, with actual words. Like if you agree.

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But what would this description change?

The asthetics, which is an important part of all games. (No pun intended)

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Are you implying that the reviews they provide don’t contain words? If so, I believe you need to look a little bit closer because the reviews OBVIOUSLY contain words.

I mean there are currently only like 4 words for each reviewer, and there aren’t many variations, with this there will be a dropdown menu that (if clicked) generates a detailed report, including reviewer, time and date, rating (duh), aspects and public opinions.

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It would improve roleplaying part of GDT and make developed games even more personal to the player.

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Oh well…
That’s not for me.

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