Game # 3 Early Dev Pictures

I have a picture that I would want to share and give you a look of my new game.

This picture was created by someone and in his copyright infro he said “You may use these textures/photographs in personal and commercial projects”

If you have questions or want to know something feel free to ask. :slight_smile:

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I NEARLY became happy at this photo




i don’t know, it good to be happy! :slight_smile:

That means you didn’t actually request for him to make this image for you only?


So it’s not actually a look at the graphics? It’s just something you’re aiming for? If so, why show us?

I’m confused
what is this topic about?

So basically you’re showing us an image someone else made and you had nothing to do it, but claim it looks like your game.


This is pretty much entirely my problem with it.

it’s about this RPG gamedev13600’s working that - full disclosure - I don’t have anything to do with, and am publicly critical of. Also it’s about this picture he found online that’s nothing to do with his game but might look like the finished product

@gamedev13600 so is this your game, or what you want to make your game look like? Cause it isn’t looking like the latter to me.

its not his game, which is why this is kinda bollocks

That’s what I thought, just wanted confirmation from him is all :wink:

Don’t get english on me Haze.

for those of you interested I found the open art page of Kenney


call it bs


that makes sense.


i agree