I was asking if you want to be my friend on Steam.
If you want to be my friend on Steam.
My username is: MLG Overheated LagScoper (might change soon)
If you cant add friends on Steam. You need to buy an item from any Steam game more than $5
I was asking if you want to be my friend on Steam.
If you want to be my friend on Steam.
My username is: MLG Overheated LagScoper (might change soon)
If you cant add friends on Steam. You need to buy an item from any Steam game more than $5
Every achievement from TF 2?
I smell hax.
alt acc+all achivements
…uhh what HAX?
Alright you got me
uhhh i bought Besiege for $4.99 does that count
Update:Got 5 friends on steam that are from in this forums.
Total:6 friends (i am not a new steam user)
rip kingofblox360. git gud status: no
lol y m8? wanna get rekt m8?
ill mlg pwn 1440noscope u no campin m80! gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8
1v1 me on ctf_2fort m8
aight m80 w8 up nid 2 practice 1rd
wot m8/ lets chat on steam m8 befure charlie will ban us m8