[FRENCH]J'ai perdu mon jeux

Mon jeux a disparu, je l’ai acheter et 1 mois après il est parti et j’aimerai quand même récuperer mon jeux on peut m’aider?

Translation ( Used google translate)
Title:I lost my Game
Post:My game has gone, I buy and 1 month after he left and I would like to still retrieve my games can help me?

This is an english forum, please at least provide a translation of what you’re saying :slight_smile:

You have to contact Fastspring with the email you used on your purchase and your name and they will try to send you back the link!


merci pour tout ces messages :blush:

loooooool en gros j’ai enlevé le message ;( je fé comment?

Please use pour englese ces comment, merci. cough cough Sick French skills… cough cough

Stian tu vois y a une nouvelle invention qui s’appelle Google traduction OK? Donc moi je ne suis pas fort en anglais et c’est le seul forum de games dev tycoon tu vas gentiment traduire si t’es pas content


vas Game Dev Tycoon forume englaso. Understando youo?

tu as essayer de parler francais? XD

BREF VOUS POUVEZ répondre a mon problème

@Today to translate you can go to google translation by copy and pasting my post

Its not our job to translate it, do it yourself.

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C’est toi qui demande une traduction fait la!

Look, why aren’t you just translating instead of replying in silly french? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey @Speedofthefire

As the others have informed you this is an English speaking forum so kindly translate your posts.

To request another order fulfilment email please contact orders@fastspring.com and provide them with any information that they ask to help retrieve your account.

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Finally Charlie puts some sense into this thread lol

in fact I just found my games good by :grinning: