Found a Game Engine

I found a game engine called Game Salad Creator(, that you can use to remake Game Dev Tycoon, or a similar game for Iphone, Ipad, Windows 8 Store, and Android.

Thanks for the info!
Although i don’t get why this is posted as a discussion…

is it any good?..

N…no… I don’t think so…


it is, all you have to do is drag and drop instead of coding actual stuff.

Basically it does not need a remake of the game with a special SDK for that. GDT is a HTML5 game with a modified browser. And because GDT is cross-plattform, you can write cross-plattform mobile games with HTML5 too.
This might be useful too
And I recommend to use pixi.js to get high performance 2D graphics!
I do not know any ressource for a mobile version of node-webkit yet. So depending on the features of the HTML5 game support on a mobile device, the GDT game port needs some changes and of course the display elements needs an overhaul.
But I do not think, that another game dev game on mobile devices is the hit, there is a very good one already available

WebGL my friend, that would be the biggest optimization possible, even for 2D :wink:

Yes it is, and pixi.js espacially, I am developing a “window builder” with primitives, text and interaction elements currently.

Update node-webkit engine news, I have developed a better support for spine files in pixi.js/node-webkit you do not need any further tool to create spritesheets anymore