[forum bug] Last activity set to 24h/1d

For some reason the ‘time of last post’ its minimum is always set to ‘24h’ or ‘1d’.
Even when I just posted something on a thread, it says ‘24h’ and a minute later it becomes ‘1d’
Or when I just get a reply, the same thing happens.

Happens on all of the browsers I use (Chrome, Firefox & Opera).
It does not happen on another computer, unless I log in, in that case it returns.
(Edit; I’ve had this problem since the day I started using this forum :i)

I guess its your browser

That is very, very odd. Particularly if it is across browser and only returns if you log in. You don’t see this as an anonymous user viewing the front page?

I have another computer which I sometimes use but it sometimes shows the real time, and usually when I log in, it just becomes this again.
It only doesn’t happen when I use my phone to look on the forum. Then it says the actual time…

@codinghorror This issue sometimes happens to me when i first log on, but when i refresh the page it corrects the times

What version of browsers? What OS?

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Windows 7, 64 bit. (Home Premium SP1)
Chrome; 35.0.1916.153 (chrome says it is the latest version)
Opera; 22.0.1471.70 (opera says it is the latest version)
I’ve removed Firefox yesterday due to reasons.

OS: Windows 7 64Bit Service pack
Browser: Chrome Version 35.0.1916.153 m

(Note, this bug sometimes happens on my iPad mini running iOS 7.1.1 and chrome version 32.0.1916.41)

Same thing happened at the Discourse Sandbox/try.discourse.org…

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Are you guys using any plugins or other browser add-ons?

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Chrome; AdBlock(modified version, forgot what was different), AdBlock for YouTube, Disconnect & Disconnect Search.
Opera; Cookie Editor.

I have BetterTTV (BetterTwitchTV) ,RES (Reddit enhancement suite) and reddit comments for youtube

Is your computer’s clock, its local time, correct?

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You might have your region set wrong in your profile preferences


There is no way to change your region in the preferences.


Oh sorry. I thought it had been there but it isn’t :wink:

Is the date also correct? I was able to reproduce that by changing it to be one day ahead.

I agree with @darkly

  1. I can’t reproduce this

  2. We have no other reports of this

  3. It sounds a lot like a local time/date problem


It appears I had +1 day on the time. No idea how. Never changed it.
I saw it as I looked at the time and it said ‘Thursday’, but it’s Wednesday.
Hurray. All times are back to normal. Heh.

Now I wonder why all the computers around me are set with a day extra e.e

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