Forum Bug: IDK What Happened

Hey Charlie,

I recently experienced a bug, about 5 seconds ago. I was typing in some spam because my text ‘Wasn’t descriptive enough’. While I was doing that, a bug happened. A red line came up in front of Stian’s comments, and for a split second, there was a pop-up which said ‘Delete comment?’. Being the good meerkat I am, I chose ‘No’. I’d like to know what this was, and if you too are part of the Obamanati.

Concerned regards, Cazran, Leader of the Billuminati.

Hey Cazran, I don’t know. If it happens again press yes and see what happens :smile:

God powers!

Thank you. For now, I will think of you as a Cyrussinniati.

Oh d00d. I have proof and the text I… ‘wrote’ that caused it to happen. While I was… ‘writing’, the tab went returned to the Forum Menu.

Here is proof.

Here is… ‘writings’.

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I’m glad you didn’t post this.


I speak no martian.

You do this instead.

Instead of what

Post isn’t empty u dam popup

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