Filesystem Interaction in Mods?

I don’t remember if GDT allows mods to use the node filesystem directly. (I thought I heard someone say it doesn’t but I’m unsure)

That’s something what the Developers / Staffs Knows about this. ask if @PatrickKlug or @Mafalda knows about this.

It seems UltimateLib used it a bit according to back in 2014. Doesn’t tell me what it is now but it worked back then.

easiest answer: just try it out (it’s node.js after all) but from what I recall we didn’t prevent it, no.

Then I must be going crazy, let me test it out, but I’m guessing it works.

Edit: Turns out filesystem is accessible, however it is finicky to use in mods. (also due to use of NodeJS 0.10, some very useful features are absent)