I posted this on the steam forum but one of the devs suggested i put it here: … so here goes:
Have to say, im enjoying this game a lot … but there are a few things i would like to see added:
- Development methodologies selection (waterfall/scrum/etc) along with animations and effects. For example selecting scrum should show the team regularly get up and stand in a circle. During this time no development takes place but a boost is provided for a while afterwards
An agile approach should give the player the option to modify developer assignments during development as well as add/remove features (this will be more useful with some of the suggestions below)
More staff management issues such as staff suddenly going sick, demanding a vacation, having ‘heated debates’ over development issues etc
the ability to put multiple staff on a single aspect (e.g. graphics) with an averaging of the staff skill levels occuring and, if one member is considerably higher skill than the other, a mentoring effect that trains up the junior dev but reduces efficiency in the ‘guru’ … also, too many devs on one aspect should have a negative effect so you cant just throw people at a problem
Ability to assign a developer to perform ‘code review’ to reduce bug production
Dedicated QA staff, without which the bug count in a released game would be considerably higher than the bug count shown
Ability to assign a portion of a developers focus to marketing (e.g. dev blogs, forum presence)
during development marketing resources should be unlocked that can be released for marketing purposes (concept art, screenshots, gameplay videos, demos) these should come with the appropriate amount of developer downtime to publish (screenshots = no time, gameplay video = quite a bit)
ability to place games into closed and open beta tests (finds missed bugs and gives a ‘last chance’ to invest further time in various aspects of the game prior to final release… e.g. beta test feedback might say the graphics suck, allowing you to put a developer on graphics improvements before finishing)
larger dev teams. to the point where i can assign a ‘graphics lead’ with 3 or 4 developers under him
ability to port a previously released game to a different platform. Porting only possible from higher tech to lower or equal tech (no gameboy to PS4 porting) and incurrs a penalty to design (as can be vouched by any PC gamer whoose had to suffer through wave after wave of crappy console ports)
beat-em-up genre
ability to choose a generic distribution platform (e.g. steam) as an alternative to developing our own (with a royalties fee, and requiring the player to gamble on which platform is going to be popular
a cost to needless additional features (the ones selectable on the right hand side when developing) or placing too many features (on my last play through i would just select them all, regardless of the game) … i would like to see people complaining that the game is ‘cluttered’ if too many options are present (especially if targeted at a young audience)
political social pressure in addition to trends (e.g. people making a fuss about violent video games)
researchable design innovations whose availability in a title is dependent on topic/genre and are a gamble as they may cause controversy or even lawsuits (“you added the ‘hamster launcher’ weapon to your action title and marketed for young audiences … little timmy subsequently launched his pet ‘fluffy’ into his brothers face … im suing your !”)
have the posters decorating the office be your top game titles (have a stock of images for each topic and add the game title as dynamic text)
have a wall in the office that fills with gold/platinum awards as you earn them
add an annual gaming award ceremony with different categories (best in genre, best indie game, GOTY, etc) let us use these awards in our marketing campaigns as well as show the trophies in our office
have fans be game specific as well as company wide, have it tie in with sequel creation
allow hosting of fan competitions to boost hype, have a prize option be a visit to the office (disrupts workflow),
have option to accept community content submissions during development which take some of the load off the dev team but have a high risk of introducing bugs
have researchable community content platforms that prolong a games life and can also be used to generate a report for suggestions to be used in a sequel
more in depth game design optiosn rather than just topic/genre (e.g. setting, era, realism)
more options for customizing the office with suitable buffs/debuffs (coffee machine, vending machine, inspiration rooms, etc) … basically would be nice to be able to create google HQ
ability to bring in contractors for large projects
thats all i got for now…