Far Cry Primal!

… And I forgot what it’s called.

(10 minutes and an email check later…)


It looks brilliant, and I’ll try and go buy it.

Here is link for game: http://far-cry.ubisoft.com/primal/en-AU/home/?ncid=108-2719-14204--2-eml-31-29-Primal_NLTR_Recruitment--6-1-8-1015

EDIT : apparently this was announced like a week ago… FARCRAY PRIMAL IS ANNOUNCED ON GREENHEART GAMES

It was announced like a week ago wasn’t it.

i have no idea.

*Farcry Primal :wink:

It was meant to be Primel.

I see what you did there :wink:

I tried to fix it so it was spelt right and then discourse gave me grief as not enough characters. Feel free to edit it as long as it is still readable.

I’m hoping it’s the Far Cry 4 equivalent of Blood Dragon, in that it’s ridiculous and doesn’t take itself seriously. Imagine if you could get the Flintstones car!

Also, how the hell will Ubi shoehorn in radio towers into it this time?

meh… Nothing new here. I mean, at least Far Cry specifically is trying to evolve, but this kind of game has already been done.

@Lukas_Schuurman What
@Charlie Ah okay
@CrumpDev Radio Towers would probably just be massive horns on tall cliffs :confused:
@chizbejoe Farcry has more fans though, and will be more open to… everything.

Or big trees.

Massive, green ones. Yeah.