There might be many mods that has the same concept of adding more topics etc. but I am basically not only making this for public, but also for my own use. I am not trying to copy anyone and all the stuff in this mod is something I have had in mind for a long time.
Any feedback is appreciated!
OBS: I recommend to make a backup of your saved games!
You can use SaveBackup by @Darkly
Mod Status:
Early Alpha
You need UltimateLib to use this mod
Latest version:
NOTE: Since I accidently replaced my creation, I need to start all over with the mod. (By adding all the stuff I had again)
So the update may take a long time to be finished.
Extra Stuff Mod 0.0.8 (Mediafire)
How to update the mod
Just delete the old mod and place in the new one
- 28 topics
- 6 new notifications
- Notifications are like “Game company has been created”
- 7 Achievements
Combination List
Click here to view the combination list
- Consoles
- Researchs
- Lab research & Hardware research
- And we will ofcourse have bunch of new topics, achievements and notifications!
+ - Added
- - Removed
~ - Fixed or changed
~ Fixed a huge bug which corrupted your save file. It should be fixed now and download link is updated. /I had to remove all my engine research so they may be added later on.
There was a “bug” where the research did not become available when it should be.
It should be fixed now…
- Added 7 new topics (28 in total)
- Added 5 new notifications (6 in total)
- Added 18 new engine researchs
- Added 3 new achievements (10 in total)
Known Issues
None yet
isnt the next version 0.0.6?
whoops, yeah that’s right 
Mod updated! check out changelog up above!
@JackBank Using services such as adfly is against the modding agreement. Just thought i would give you a heads up 
~ Fixed a huge bug which corrupted your save file. It should be fixed now and download link is updated. /I had to remove all my engine research so they may be added later on.
I’m trying to make some engine researchs for the next update, but having some trouble. It might take a good while
Please change link to Mediafire or some other file sharing website. I really don’t want to sign up for some random forum just to download one mod.
Oh wow! It’s a totally wrong link!!
I’ve just changed it… I do use mediafire, i guess i just putted in the wrong link… Sorry about that
Thanks @synadria
New stuff will be added soon (v0.0.9)
New Content
12 new topics (30 topics in total)
7 new notifications (13 in total)
4 new Achievements (11 in total)
And hopefully I can get som research into the mod soon! 
Thank you for downloading this mod!
I little “update” coming soon:
I’m working on a combination list.
This list will be helping you with what topics goes with what genres and what audience is best for the topic!
Hopefully it will be up very soon!
I have released the Combination list. PLEASE NOTE: the list is not done and being worked on. If you have any suggestions or edits, you can reply here or you can comment on the document.
The combination list is linked up above.
Currently I am working on a website for this mod.
The website will include…
- Mailing system
This will send you a mail each time a new update is out, so you won’t miss it!
This is 100% optional!
- Combination list
This gives you a combination list of the topics (and hopefully consoles in the future)
- Download
Download links to the mod.
- Forum
The website will include a forum where you can post ideas, bugs, artwork and more!
- Donate
You will be able to have the option to donate and support this mod. I would figure out some benefits aswell.
Concept art

Here we got a very early concept or atleast an idea of what one of the new consoles are going to look like.
This one is called “Illuminati machine” and would be one of the first consoles in the game.
That looks a bit “Not Professional”. i would ask @iSenzo if you want good looking graphics
Yeah I know, drawing isn’t exactly my strong site. But this was also a quick drawing 
1 Like
So as you may know I am working on website for my mod. Here is some screenshot of the site.
Front page

Here you’ll see a quick “about”, features, wishlist, newsletter signup, mod status, mod version and how many bugs or/and issues the mod has.
Download page

Here you will be able to download the mod, donate and changelog.
Hall of fame will not only be achieved by donating but if you helped the mod with certain things, such as:
Translating (Expecting to translate this mod in different languages some day)
Designs (Consoles, logos etc.)
You will also be able to download UL (UltimateLIB) and it directs you to their page where you can download UL.
Combination List
Here it will simply give a combination list on topics (and in future consoles)
Since I do not got the forums ready and it’s not working atm. you will be able to directly contact me about bugs, questions or/and suggestions. (You can always contact me on the forums aswell)