Encrypted connection

I just read up on XPS (XXS or whatever) worms and other scary worms coming from un-encrypted connections. Discourse does talk to my browser dynamically, so do you by any chance willing to encrypt this website? Not a big deal, but its just a thing I would prefer. Dont know how expensive it is, thanks!

Shouldn’t this be in “Meta”?

No, it is about the Greenheart Games website. this has nothing to do with the forum itself.

Ah, okay. I thought you meant only the forum.

@Stian it’s a https… it’s secure (should be at least)

can’t be bothered cropping the image…

Really? Well @Charlie, delete this topic. My browser told me it was “encrypted with a weak SSL”.

@Stian i’m not exactly an expert… but from the screenshot, it looks secure

“forum.greenheartgames.com is secure but is vulnerable to pulse interceptions by web-worms or similar”

i don’t know @Stian… but surely if it was vulnerable than ssl worms like heartbleed would have affected it by now

Heartbleed is fixed by the OpenSSL team ages ago. What I meant, the packets sent to my computer can be intercepted by worms. It can block them or send other content back etc. But f**k it, @Charlie will delete the topic hopefully :stuck_out_tongue:

@Stian it’s what a anti-malware program is for :wink:

You what m8? You dont download any software! I’m dying, thats the most silly thing I’ve ver heard,

@Stian malware isn’t only software…

No, but do you really think an anti-malware program would work against that? Silly windows people.

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@Stian obviously not from data leaks… i’m talking about something else

what were you talking about?

well, i should have been more specific… a firewall blocking malicious packets

The forum already uses SSL and thus your connection is encrypted.