Easter eggs aren't working for me

I’ve tried Wing Commander and Doom, and nothing is working! I’m not getting the achievement. Can someone help?

Only one i ever got was Pong.
Others not working for me either.

The game in the background isn’t Wing Commander but Elite, that is the actual original Elite screenshot from the back of the box.

To get the Easter Egg games you can’t simply name the game to get it.
For Doom:

DOOM / Sci-Fi / Action - (Custom Game Engine) 2D V3 / 3D V1, Stereo Sound, Joystick, Mouse, Level Editor

You will get the achievement :slight_smile:
The other one isn’t Wing Commander, it’s Elite … but I will let you figure out what that needs.
There is a 3rd one Okami, but that requires Multi Genre to do.

Hopefully that helps

@Leyvin… You seriously don’t know what these are…

@Xantium Here’s how it works.

Create game named Pong in the garage (i’m gonna refer it to as the first office)

Wing Commander in the second office (the one you move into after you have 1M Cash, before PC Upgrade.

Doom or DOOM or doom in the second office.

Half Life or Half-Life (case insensitive) in the third office (same as second office, after PC Upgrade)

Theme Hospital or theme hospital in the third office.

Halo in the fourth office (after unlocked R&D lab).

Star Citizen in fourth office.

Okami or Ōkami or 大神 in fourth office.

Hope that helps! :smiley:

Also, don’t forget to create Game Dev Tycoon!


Po Nroblem, I always like to help anyone in need! :smiley:

I didn’t get the achievement… WHAT IS THIS???

Do I HAVE to choose the specific office given? Because I have all the labs, is that office 5 or still office 4?

Nevermind, I just made a new office and did Pong. I liked the animated Pong poster :laughing:

As i said on my post.

That means you’re… a little too late. :stuck_out_tongue: