Design and Technology Specialist

Im just thinking here…
Im at the stage i need to make staff Tech specialist and Design specialist.

So, i have one staff at 900 Tech, but I dont know if i should make him Tech spec or not?

How does the specialist work? When I make someone to be that, will they be less effective? Should I just take the one with the very highest tech/design for each part?

Having a technology specialist unlocks the hardware laboratory (if you’ve done the correct research). Having more than one makes your hardware laboratory more efficient. As far as I know, it has no other impact on the game.

Extra design specialists have the same effect on your research lab.

I believe I read somewhere(wiki, I think?) that extra design and tech specialists make it 100k cheaper per month to operate the labs. Don’t know if this is actually true or has been changed for the new patch. If it’s only that little, you really shouldn’t invest in more than one of either. If it’s percentually to the amount of cash you use per month, then it may be a good investment(such as when using 3M per month). Too bad it isn’t detailed in the game itself, I think?

Yes this is true. More specialists means more cheaper labs.

Why do people put advertisements on this forum everytime?

Money. Just Money and Scams. That’s all :sweat: @Lukas_Schuurman

Ah, like IGN :wink:

Oh my, your right.
Fun Fact: Activision Paid IGN to tell them to trick us by giving Very Good Reviews.
Good Views = MONEY
Besides, this would been a cool mod, paying the reviewers to get good Lie Scores. ( but ofc if over and over, Your Payoff will be Lower since people knows its a bad game) If Only UMI Was Still Around :cry:

My tip: Wait for game #2 :wink:


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“Right SpongeBob, were not Cavemen” LOL :smiley: