Crashes on windows 8.1

I just installed windows 8.1 on my computer, and it works fine for about 2 minutes, but then the game crashes.

Was it transferred or re-installed?


Any mods?

Hey, Sorry to hear about that!

To allow us to help you further please let us know;

Which Edition are you using? Steam, Windows Store or Standard?

Have you used any mods?

Do you get an error message? What does it say?

Have you tried reinstalling? Or starting a new game?

i’m using steam, and i’m using the mods platform randomizer and cheatmod. i tried turning all mods off and nothing happened. I get an error message, but it just says “Game Dev Tycoon has stopped working”. Reinstalling didn’t work.

You will probably find it helpful to check out our modding FAQ;

You should report the error on the forum page for the mods you are using, you can hopefully find the mod you used on our official list;

We don’t support errors caused via mods so i would suggest starting a new game. To do this as soon as the game hits the ‘click to continue’ screen press the ‘escape’ key and select ‘new’ from the menu.
Be sure to not have any mods activated if you want to maintain the integrity of your new game.

You can also use Steam to validate files which will restore the integrity of the game files;

i would try to run it in compatibility mode.
right click then go to properties, go in Compatibility. check the first square. i would select the windows 7 but you could try the others.

hope it helps.

I started a new game while using compatibility mode after disabling the mods, now it works fine.