Create a game of building and development, which as a city prodras you can build forward from prehistory to the contemporary age. the game should prorporcionar food, water, housing, etc … a mix between Mr. Olympian Zeus and simcity.
it’s game will be created with CSS, JavaScript and HTML 5
what does prorporcionar mean?
sorry there had to be provided.
Pretty good idea actually.
if it is a good idea and I am looking for people to help me creating this game, if you want to help is just to hear you say.
nope, I am a terrible game developer, especially with CSS.
I know only JS, but still it’s not enough to do anything.
And I always fail to work in team…
But you can help me, right
and that I can help project
Your English is on a level I can’t really understand…
yo soy colombiano y no hablo ingles.
I can see that you aren’t English.
I just don’t understand this translated text.
I know HTML 5 and CSS!
But I can’t position things well
So you’re basically asking for a Civilization remake? If you don’t know what the game is I’ll give you a link, its EXACTLY what you’re referring to. Its a good game rate it an 8/10.
I’ll even put in a Dan Bull rap on the game for an entertaining introduction to it, you should probably watch it before you go to the wikipedia link
Wikipedia Link:
He meant this on a way smaller scale, just one city, not entire empire.
I’d actually buy that game if it was released as an actual fully developed game. It’s a nice idea.
It’s not like Civilization V because instead of being management shift will be in real time.
will be much like the Zeus lord of Olympus, the birth of China Emperor, Caesar IV and Faraon with a fusion of Rise of Nation.
the goal is to create and evolve with different cities for example start with the construction of Babylon then to Rome after the medieval Paris, etc…
Friends think alike