Can't train when skill is 500 points

Why can’t my player (or an employee) get more technology or design points when he’s reached 499 or something like that?
Is it a bug or is it on purpose?

What OS are you on? Are you using any mods?

I’m on Windows. I’m not using any mods.

I think it might not be a bug. Are you in the last office?

What version of windows are you running

You’re probably still using the basic book studies training method, which is capped at 500. What date is it for you in-game? Later in the game there are more training options that make it more effective and raises the cap.


I’m running Windows 7 (Home Premium)
Darkly, that could be the reason, basic book studies cannot reach 500.Really?

Yes. Have you unlocked any other training options?

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