Cant run cheat mod [SOLVED]

I’ve recently found out about this awesome game and got it, and now i’v installed cheat mod, followed instructions, put it in game, and in game it says that cheat mod is enabled, but i cant do what it says, when i left click i get no cheatmod option.

What to do?

Edit: I solved it. i just created a folder named mods_ws in the game directory and kept it empty, ran the game and it worked!

Could you post a link to screenshoot of your mods folder?


Have you restarted the game?

Oh, and if possible you should use the workshop version :smiley:

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I did.

Someone please help :frowning: i really want to play this :frowning:

Take a screenshot of your “Mods” menu.

Heres 2 screenshots

1- Mods menu:
2- in game screen that they are not working:

You have an error in the background. What does it say?

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Wow lol, the error said there is no folder called mods_ws in the directory, after some thinking i just made the folder (its empty through) and the mod worked!

Thanks lol!

Haha, no problem!

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