Can't get Steam Key

I bought Game Dev Tycoon awhile ago and I have the receipt and the order, but didn’t realize that I could get the Steam key until now, but when I try to download or claim it, It says that they ran out and that I should check later. Is it too late to claim? Or something else?

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Find it in your email , @Charlie

I never got an email, only an order confirmation, and a friendly reminder of my purchase.

This is very hard to believe when your name is trollmaster xD


Oh haha I have proof of the purchase but haha thank you for noticing the name

Hey @trollmaster1122

Thank you for contacting us.
You are correct, we have run out of Steam keys. The Steam key fairies went on vacation and are due back soon. Anyone who has tried to get a key from Saturday 26th will have received this message.

Good news though. We are aiming to get those Steam key fairies back to work within 3 days!

Steam Key Fairies? Seriously Charlie? :smiley:


Steam keys should be available again. Sorry for the delay.

Steam Key Fairies must be busy. What games are they preparing the keys for?