Can we have mod support?

I was wondering if there is a possibility of having mod support for this game. I can imagine how many improvements and new features people would add into the game.

Edit: We can possibly have Steam Workshop.


I agree with this 100%, mod support would make the game far more interesting, and would allow people to play it as they like.

I wish they would add mod support. Mods make games x100000 times better (like citiesxl 2012… it would have died without mods).

you can already make make mods :wink:

True that…Modders would of course have plenty of fun with the game doing modding. And just download it off the side, and when you start up the game, enable a console or something so you can change between the Vanilla version of the game and the Downloaded version of the game. This would drastically improve the game.

yes you can mod but certain modding of this game violates the EULA

Nah. Unmoderated forums are better.

i Agree with the mod support and Steam workshop would be a great idea once it is on there

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mods would be nice in the game i mean imagine tons of people will probally love the mod and want to play it themselves and the mod director maybe you get a chance of hiring him?