Can we get Mobile friendly software for Discourse?

I know I’m semi-necroing but for the sake of not creating another thread:

Can you guys look into making the forums more mobile friendly?
I get some typing bugs every now and then which include lag typing (typing letters but it takes a second for them to appear), some weird jump where I can no longer see what I’m typing…
Also, I do get some performance issues as well when I’m on a mobile device.

That’s about it!

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It’s probably best to discuss such matters over at

We’re always keeping up-to-date with the latest software versions, but are not (at the moment) making any mayor changes to the application ourselves. Those problems could most likely be caused by JavaScript and/or CSS shipped with the package.

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Hey no problem. That wasn’t Necroing anyway :wink:
I have created a new thread for this to allow anyone else with the same question or idea to search and contribute to this conversation.

What Florian stated is correct but it is always worth popping over to the D. forums to state your case. Be sure to use the search function as this is most likely an ongoing conversation!