Can't find a way to download again on a repaired computer

Hey guys, a couple months back I bought this game and downloaded it with no problem. Played it, loved it. But shortly after my computer died for unrelated reasons. I sent it in for repairs and when it came back my hard drive was wiped of everything (they informed me it would be). I didn’t back up Game Dev Tycoon because I thought surely I could just re download the game. The problem is I can’t seem to find where to do that. I still have my payment confirmation in my email so I don’t understand what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

it’s best to contact with the order number. - they will send you another email. please keep the email as you need it for downloading product updates.

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Or wait for it to release on Steam on August if all goes wrong.

You should also have an email with the download link.

You can re-download it the same way you downloaded it the first time. You should have an email with the subject “Your Game Dev Tycoon Delivery Information” and a bunch of download links for different platforms.