Can an other person buy this game for me?

When an other person would buy the game, get he a code or an account?
Because someone else wants to buy the game for me and we dont know if he can give me the game or if he downloads it to this computer.

I’m sorry for the bad English and i hope that you can help me.


sure, your mom could buy it for U :wink:

It goes to the email the person registered with. Take that as you will.

This game contains no DRM. That means that you can download the game on any computer and install it on any other computer. It is not tied to any particular user or email address, however the email used to purchase the game will receive an emailed link to the download page, and this should be saved for reference as the same download link is used when updating the game.

We do however ask that you limit installing the game to only 3 computers at most for personal use. If you wish to install on more machines, then either purchase a second copy, or uninstall until you are left with 3 machines.

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the person buying the game can contact and have the email address changed to your email so that you ‘own’ the game.

Ok thanks for your help.