[bug] Uncaught error - which mod could be causing this?

Hi again!

I’ve had a number of mods running without any problems on GDT, until this error message popped up recently:


I can’t clearly read the bottom line but it looks like ‘ghg6 is not defined’. If I close the error window and attempt to continue the game, the characters freeze (their boost meters don’t refill and they do nothing if I issue any commands). This error first appeared just after I’d saved my game, which was annoying. The game which had just finished production is stuck with a “coming soon” release date if I look at my game history.

If a message of any kind pops up, the text doesn’t load and I can’t close the message window or continue the game. It looks like this:


I can access the main menu still and start a new game, but the text window that first appears upon a new game will have the same problem.

If I reboot the software and start a new game without loading any old save files, it runs without a problem, with or without the mods. Switching any mods on or off appears to make no difference to the problem, so I don’t know how to tell which mod is causing problems. I have CheatMod, InfoStats, Expansion Pack, UltimateLib and Camelot installed and all are on the latest versions. I’ve been using all of them for a few days without any problems.

If it’s possible to recover my save file by fixing whatever needs to be fixed to stop the error message from popping up, that would be great. Otherwise it would still be good to figure out which mod is causing the error.

I’ll provide other screenshots or info if needed!

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What mods do you have installed

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Since the original game doesn’t include a Company’s Best Game window I’d start with the mod that adds that functionality.


I believe that’s part of the InfoStats mod by @alphabit

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@KizzaGaming if you don’t know of what it comes from just run each mod on its own and it should reveal itself.

I listed the mods I have installed already - Camelot, InfoStats, UltimateLib, CheatMod and Expansion Pack. All on their latest versions.

This error happened shortly after rebooting the game, and I’ve already tried switching each mod off individually but it doesn’t seem to make any difference. The save file freezes up shortly after loading it, no matter what I have switched on/off. If I start a new game without loading the old save file first, though, it seems to work fine.

oh yeah when you play the game for example save 1 then take away the mod after then go back to save 1 things happen it just gives you stuff saying that some things aren’t working when they are.

It sounds like there’s no way to tell which mod caused the bug. Would this be salvageable at all? The save file I was using just keeps crashing now no matter what I seem to do.

it will probably just be an issue with save file

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That means the savefile broke. D:

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Oh drat. Okay, guess I need to start backing up my saves!

Use the saves backup mod by @Darkly

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Thanks, I’ll check it out!


Thanks to the detective work of @SirEverard we confirmed a bug in the games code that caused this. It only happens when a story element tries to show the text describing an ETA (via getETADescription) where the ETA is larger than one year. As this never happens with any of the game events, this wasn’t caught before.

A fix for this will be included in the next update.