Browsergame / Minigame

Since we deal with contracts for design and stuff, why we can not develope a browsergame or Minigame ? Would be a great opportunity for small/medium size games in later game and for the smaller branches like Mpad , grpad, gr phone

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That would be awesome, and ideas can be Runescape making its popularity on the net.

Wouldn’t minigame collections fall under the Casual genre?

Minigame is a feature like in Assassins Creed III playing chess or other card games ( minigames in a game)

What i tried to say, is to produce these games like they produce minigames for the Iphone or Ipad or some are just making browser games as a standalone, not a feature in a game like in AC 3 for example :wink:

It would generally go towards Casual Games because you would see a hardcore gamer playing it but getting bored of it quickly.

What about Flash games? Maybe after you researched Grid in your R&D Lab, you can create a Flash Game website, where fans can create flash games, fan games, and you could create a Flash/Unity 3d Game.

I think you should start with basics and to research website games then later on you can develop flash games. But flash games you’d think would be easier for a game company so let thats tart.