Bought on Win 8 App store, not able to repurchase for Win 7?

Hey all, I bought the game through the Window’s Store when I was on Windows 8 but I didn’t get on well so I went back in Windows 7. Just wondering if I have to repurchase the game now I’m back on Windows 7 and paying an extra $7.99 for a game that I’ve already bought. Sorry if this is a double post but I couldn’t find it in the time that I looked.

Thanks in advance

No, if you do have the Download Link again, you can just re-download it on your Windows 7 PC>

You may not have noticed but around half a year ago the game was released for the Windows Store on the Windows 8 platform.

Hence he does not have a “download link” as the game is bound to his Windows Store account and the Windows 8 platform.

But there should be a email attached to purchasing the game. Contact I think it is

@TheSniper, No. As @Fisker has said, a Windows 8 Store purchase is tied to your Microsoft account. This means the game can be installed on as many Windows 8 machines as you like, as long as you login with the same user account.

However, this does not grant you a copy of the Desktop edition which is available for all major Operating Systems (Win XP/Vista/7/8, Mac OS X 10.7+, Linux). You must re-purchase the game from the Greenheart store (powered by Fastspring), where you will be sent an email with your download links, which you should keep for downloading future updates.

The game has been successfully greenlit on Steam, and once the game has been released on there, Steam Keys will be provided to all who purchased the Desktop edition. Greenheart are looking into providing Steam Keys for purchasers from the Windows 8 Store, but can provide no guarantees at this stage. Therefore your best option is to purchase the game again, for as little as $8, and help out a small indie developer.

Nicely put Evo, I guess I was wrong then :L