Book Dev Tycoon

I have a idea where you are a author and you start out in the beginning of books. you can wright and publish books. you can research new topics to wright about and research new kinds of fonts.

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Most people on this forum will disagree with this, but I think a ‘Book Dev Tycoon’ would be better than a business simulator or a GDT 2 :slight_smile: Good idea :wink:

Like the Wright brothers? I assume you mean “write” but I’m just checking :wink:

Pretty good idea, now I can write books with goofy and crazy titles. Thanks for the suggestion

You don’t “develop” books.

It’s a pretty old and simple game, but it exists

To “wright” means to craft or work as in a wheelwright. And in the case of the Wright Brothers or Frank Lloyd Wright their names are much like Smith. They came from a line of craftsmen of some sort, most likely makers of wagon wheels or something of the sort. It may be archaic, but “wrighting” makes perfect sense.

I think you mean write.

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Going by OP’s line of thinking, they probably meant “write”. I’m pretty sure @Jediwolf knows what Wright is, most people do.

I mean, he’s a lawyer, right.

He’s a lawyer, wright.


Doesn’t writing a book have similarities to developing a game?


You could argue that there are similarities, although I do agree it’s quite different.

I didn’t know I had to make an engine for my book before I publish it…


I am the luuurrrrrddd…

Well, you could consider the engine to be like, a standard of making books.
You could research new ways to make your books, like better covers etc.
Marketing and publishers obviously are translated easily.
Grid for books is like, e-books? But we need a spoofed name so, P-Cooks(eh I got no ideas).

Consoles, um, I have no idea lol.
Your books could sell better if you have more XP.
I don’t really get how you would use 6 people to write a story. Maybe like, you could use them for printing, but you could also employ a printing firm.

So it really isn’t that different.

PS: Add your ideas below:

How about that you can add other people to write the books?

An engine is a premade application which you use as the underlying layer for a game - when you write a book, you don’t have anything similar.

Writing a book and developing a game are similar, just in certain ways. For instance, you develop the story of a book, similar to how you develop the story of a game. Or, you publish a book in the way you publish a game. Heck, some games’ stories could be worked into books, and vice versa, and still be great! (if done right)


Fun fact: The Witcher Franchise is actually made out of a book series called ‘The Witcher’.

Maybe he/she meant that you can buy or download new programs like Notepad, Word, etc. Not an engine but as a program.

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