Bold Underlined, etc letters? Is it possible?

Is it possible to make Bold or Underlined letters? Even letters with color?

Color is not possible (yet??)

To write with Bold do ** Bold ** (without spaces)

Not sure underlined never seen people do that

You can do headers with # and —

With # write your header next to it
like this
and the the other header

put the — under your headline


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Thank you

Or do you mean colored letters in a mod? Because that is possible

Forum. Just to make my thread more alive. But it wouldn’t be bad to know for making mods.

You can use also HTML:
< b > Bold< /b > < i > I Effect < /i > < s > The S effect < /s > < u > Underline < /u >
(Without spaces)
EDIT: Oh it doesn’t work D:


For mods you can just use basic css. Sor for colors you would do <style="color:red;"> and such :smiley:
